I've had quite a few people ask me this question: "Should I learn PHP and MySQL?".
The answer is never easy. It all depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Are you looking to be involved in your own website? Is it being run on PHP and MySQL? What would you like to do with your website?
There's a million questions you can ask yourself. I, personally, believe that anyone who wants to become more involved with their own website or run their own Web Design and Development Company should, at the minimum, learn the basics of PHP and MySQL.
Why should you? Well, let's take a few examples...
Maybe you want to create a Members are on your site and you want to be able to offer downloads, use a more interactive Contact script, show information dynamically for your customers (i.e. Time and Date, Their personal information, the information they searched for last, Billing information, Download history, username and/or password, etc) to make it easier for them to browse through your site.
Maybe you want to be able to use PHP for your Search Engine Optimization needs? Needs such as 404 Redirects, 301 redirects, etc.
Maybe you need to create a built in search system for your e-commerce site? Maybe you're looking to simply redirect people to an Affiliate program?
See the many, MANY ways you can use PHP? It's a very valuable tool to know and understand. Imagine yourself having the knowledge to take a product like Wordpress and fully customize it to your own, personal, needs?
Think you can make money off of one of your Wordpress Plugin Ideas by knowing PHP? Think you can build a better Content Management System than what's currently available? What about a new Social Networking Script - OR Community?
Companies like PHPFox have made a killing with their php knowledge. Likewise for companies such as Mambo, vBulletin and various other scripts that you can purchase.
So the next question would be HOW you can learn PHP?
There's a million ways to learn but I try to explain to everybody that watching Videos and DOING the coding practices they ask you to do is how you'll learn quickly.
Sure... lot's of people have learned PHP by reading books. But I find the problem with books is a lack of support. You're always going to learn more by seeing and doing rather than reading and doing. Luckily there are solutions to this problem.
You can also visit popular forums such as Sitepoint, Digitalpoint and other Webmaster related forums or communities that allow other members to help with questions and answers.
No matter what you choose to do - just remember that DOING is how you learn. Practice without reading or watching. Just take the little knowledge you have at the time and make it grow with practice.
I hope you figure out what you need to accomplish and good luck!
By Clint Lenard
Thanks for using my article, but can you at least link to my Blog or the original link?
Clint Lenard
Hello there, I have read your blogs, Your blogs have full of knowledge.
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