To develop a website there are various facts to be utilized and I have tried to give the basic instances "How TO Build Website"
Your Basic Needs for Building a Website
Domain Name
This is a name for identifying a computer or computers on the Internet. It is a component of Web site's URL (Uniform Resource Locator). So, creativ-eras.com is an example of domain name.
It is the name given by the Domain name registrar after the process of registration is done by the client. It is also called as registered domain name and web addresses.
These Domains are also attached with its extensions. Domain name extensions are of different types:
The Top 3: These are the basic domains widely used by the customers worldwide and are one of the top domains till date
Country-Level Top Domain: Every country has their own matching top level domain names, some examples are
.in (India)
.co.in (India)
.fr (France)
.co.uk (United Kingdom)
And there are many more domain also like
Free Websites
There are various sources on internet which provide with an option to host your website for free. But these types of resources should not be considered healthy, reason for it is that they are unstable in nature and you never own your website and you never receive true domain name. The main domain will be of third party and it will look like http://site.yourdomain.com/ In some cases, it can even be longer than the example shown above.
Web Host
Web hosting is a service which allows the individuals and organizations to provide there own websites accessible over www (World Wide Web). Web hosts are the companies which provide the space on servers which they own for the use by their clients and provide internet connectivity. Web hosting is a paid service, usually monthly or yearly.
Website requires space on server to be used by the individuals. No website can exist without web hosts.
Building Website
In this part we are going to explore various tools and editors present for building a website. There are many software and tools available for building a website in easy and efficient way. It's important for you to find out about them before you use them.
Macromedia Dreamweaver, CoffeeCup HTML Editor, Front Page, Aedix, UPOhtml, Alleycode HTML Editor, Aptana, Arachnophilia, BBEdit, Bluefish, CSE HTML Validator, EditPlus, Evrsoft 1st Page, HTML-Kit, Adobe HomeSite, NoteTab, PSPad, Quanta Plus, SAPIEN PrimalScript, SCREEM, Siteaid, skEdit, Taco HTML Edit, TextMate, TopStyle, Notepad++, Weaverslave are some of the web editing software present and used by the people for creating and maintaining sites.
I used Macromedia Dreamweaver for creating my website http://www.creativ-eras.com/
If you are not using any of the software then you have begin from the scratch and have to learn how to code HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). All you have to do is open Text editor (Notepad) for example and then write the HTML code which will create your page. It is pretty easy to learn and use.
Then you have to save the file you are working on with the file name.html and then upload it to the server (Web Host).
If you are finding it difficult to code in HTML, then I would strongly recommend you to get it done by any website design company or any software program which I've talked about above to edit and create your website. These companies are working day and night for its customers. There are so many web designing companies and you have to find one of the best from them to serve.
There are many websites will provide free website templates (awesome premade sites) ready to use.
In your site you are showing information about company, its products, its expertise, its services, its vision & goals, patrons and feedback etc.
The main part is of products of the company. The importance of products is due to the out result of company. Every company wants to sell its product, uses various forms and methods. Website is also one form of on line presence of the company for selling products online.
For selling its product online you have to take orders online from your website? The best way is to sign up with paypal.com. They are the merchants; they accept credit cards for you and take a small percentage for the order. It is very convenient and easy to setup.
All you have to do is specify the price for each and every item or product you are selling and paypal will provide you some HTML code which you have to paste it in your website and it will automatically create the payment button and its interface for you.
Paypal uses secure methods and handles all the transactions which are done through credit cards. It's very easy to transfer the funds from your paypal account to any other account electronically.
Other Features
There are various other features which you can implement in your website like gaming, gambling, chat and guest book where visitors can play game, chat and leave message for you on your site.
It is very hard for you to think of these features, but as internet have matured, it's getting easier and easier for you to use and implement these features on your site.
For getting any kind of interactive feature on a website requires some kind of script. Script contains a bunch of code that tells the browser how to behave.
You can get these scripts depending what you want on your website. Script can be found on internet for that you have to go to your favorite search site (Google) and search for the appropriate script. Some scripts are free and some are paid as well.
It is important for you to check that your web host supports the kind of script and functionality you want to implement.
So, this was the full explanation on how to create your website.
By Amit Sood http://www.creativ-eras.com
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