Some years ago, if you didn't know XML, you were the unattractive duckling whom nobody talked to. Today, if you crave to acquire into the latest technology rage, Ajax is where it's at. However, Ajax is far more than immediately a trend; it's a powerful approach to building Web sites and it's not nearly as hard to learn as an entire new language. When you write an application today, you have two basic choices:
• Desktop applications • Web applications
• Desktop applications usually from time to time are downloaded from a Web site and install completely on your computer.
They might use the Internet to download updates, but the code that runs these applications resides on your desktop. Web Application Development -- and there's no surprise here -- run on a Web server somewhere and you access the application with your Web browser. More important than where the code for these applications runs, though, is how the applications behave and how you interact with them. Desktop applications are usually nice-looking fast have great user interfaces and are extremely dynamic. However, with the power of the Web comes waiting -- waiting for a server to respond, waiting for a screen to refresh, and waiting for a request to come back and generate a new page. Noticeably this is a bit of an overview, but you get the basic idea. As you might already be suspecting, Ajax attempts to conduit the gap between the functionality and interactivity of a desktop application and the always-updated Web application. You can use dynamic user interfaces and fancier controls like you'd find on a desktop application, but it's available to you on a Web application. Here are the basic technologies involved in Ajax applications:
• HTML is used to build Web forms and identify fields for use in the rest of your application.
• JavaScript code is the core code running Ajax applications and it helps facilitate communication with server applications.
• DHTML, or Dynamic HTML, helps you keep posted your forms dynamically. You'll use div, span, and other dynamic HTML elements to mark up your HTML.
• DOM, the Document Object Model, will be used to work with both the structure of your HTML and XML returned from the server. In a normal Web application, users fill out form fields and click a Submit button. Then, the entire form is sent to the server, the server passes on processing to a script, and when the script is done, it sends back a completely new page.
That page might be HTML with a new form with some data filled in or it might be verification or possibly a page with certain options selected based on data entered in the original form. Of course, while the script or program on the server is processing and returning a new form, users have to wait. Their screen will go blank and then be redrawn as data comes back from the server. This is where low interactivity comes into play -- users don't get instant feedback and they certainly don't feel like they're working on a desktop application.
This is write Robert Williams will be dealing with Website Development as they were defined for the purpose of website promotion / web Page optimization and SEO Service India.
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